Thank You!
Our grateful thanks to the very many individual supporters who have made single or multiple one-off donations, or regular Standing Order donations. We are also deeply grateful to the Charitable Trusts, businesses and communities who come to our aid so generously: K Home Engineering, Thomas the Baker, The Fulmer Charitable Trust, The John and Maureen Hume Charitable Trust, Husthwaite Village Hall, Bootham School, York Vikings Rotary Club, Brandsby WI, Baddow Dental Practice and Michael A Sparks Associates. *When donors wish to remain anonymous, we always respect your wishes and your privacy. We like to send out our individual letters of thanks but contact details for some donations are impossible to trace, due to the General Data Protection Regulation rules which came into force in 2018. We therefore apologise for this general ‘thank you’ to you in our blog and newsletters. However, we will be delighted to send you a private acknowledgement and thank you for your support upon receipt of your contact details which we promise not to keep or use to make unsolicited contact with you in the future. Thank you so much, everyone.