Welcome to The Dragonfly Schools Foundation!
The Dragonfly Schools Foundation creates life-changing educational opportunities for children and adolescents living in Rajasthan, Northern India, who would otherwise receive little or no education for reasons including poverty, neglect, discrimination and special educational needs. We provide full-time and part-time education and vocational training by working with three small, local, non-governmental schools and with local employers in Pushkar, Rajasthan.
Our name is inspired by the remarkable transformation of the dragonfly from nymph to adult, a breathtaking emergence from darkness into light, and liberation from confinement into freedom. This small miracle of transformation in nature inspires all we do to transform young lives in India through teaching and learning.
We build and nurture a culture of co-operation, collaboration, trust, kindness and empowerment, through which our children's lives can emerge from the darkness of disadvantage into the light of opportunity.
Please support us if you can, by making a donation on our website or by setting up a regular Standing Order with your bank.
Thank you very much.